Planning is nice, but our reality is seldom according to our planning.
Our planning was to arrive in Nice on Friday 18 August because 19 August is Lupita's birthday and she will turn 50 in 2023. Hence, we we wanted to
celebrate our ending of the GR5 as well as Lupita's birthday together with friends that would come to Nice just for that.
But it turned out different ... by several coinciding circumstances we decided end 2022 to move to France. That was kind of a hustle, both with
respect to work as well as selling our house in The Netherlands. And so we moved to France in July and August 2023 and couldn't walk in August. We
did go to Nice to celebrate Lupita's birthday with friends, but we couldn't celebrate our finishing of the GR5 yet.
That happened after moving: after we moved all our stuff to our house in France we went on holiday on September 2. The advantage was that the starting
point in Larche was now only a 4 hours drive rather than the 14 hours from The Netherlands. In the end we walked the distance from Larche to Nice in
11 days spread over a 3 weeks holiday.